Servicing North Carolina Long Term Care Facilities Statewide
Do you ever feel like your pest control vendor is completely out of their depth, but they're doing their best to convince you they know what they're doing? Waldron & Company is different!!!
With over 15 years of success in long term care settings, Waldron & Company understands the challenges you face in your facility as few other pest control vendors can. It's no accident that the facilities we service do not have issues. We are responsive to your specific needs, and have demonstrated the ability to correct severe, longstanding pest issues that have survived multiple elimination attempts, sometimes by multiple pest control vendors.
We have the talent and experience you need to stay out of the traditional and social media spotlight, and our resident focused approach to pest control makes for happy staff, residents and families, and positive contacts with DHSR, DSS and County Health. We strive to set the gold standard of service and success every time we arrive at a client facility.
Our goal? To become a trusted and integral part of your facility, the cornerstone of a strong census, reduce staff turnover, reduce operational costs, provide a healthier facility for your residents and bottom line for you. Isn't it time you had a positive relationship with your pest control vendor, and weren't worried about the pest control?
We have the talent and experience you need to stay out of the traditional and social media spotlight, and our resident focused approach to pest control makes for happy staff, residents and families, and positive contacts with DHSR, DSS and County Health. We strive to set the gold standard of service and success every time we arrive at a client facility.
Our goal? To become a trusted and integral part of your facility, the cornerstone of a strong census, reduce staff turnover, reduce operational costs, provide a healthier facility for your residents and bottom line for you. Isn't it time you had a positive relationship with your pest control vendor, and weren't worried about the pest control?
No hollow promises here...we have strong references with facilities just like yours.
Contact us today and schedule a consultation. You'll be very glad you did!
Contact us today and schedule a consultation. You'll be very glad you did!
Proven Resolution of Difficult ProblemsDoes your pest control company seem to be continually treating bed bug or other pest infestations in your facility? Have you hired multiple pest control companies in an attempt to eliminate your problems, but still have them? Are you throwing serviceable fixtures out in an attempt to rid your facility of bed bugs? We can put an end to the seemingly endless cycle of pest infestation. We have a track record of proven results...the quality of our work and unparalleled support stands on it's own.
Everything Included PricingWe believe our pricing should be as consistent as our service, so we offer no surprises pricing for your pest control needs. All necessary services and support for bed bugs is included in the entirety in your regular service cost. If you need us between scheduled visits, it's included. If regulators have questions, we'll be there. We've got your back.
We provide what few other companies can...resident focused pest control that keeps your residents and their families, your staff and regulatory agencies happy.
Does Your Pest Control Company...
...send technicians that sometimes leave you wondering if they know scarcely more than you do about your pest control?
...keep treating the same areas of your facility repeatedly for bed bugs, roaches or other pests only to have them return?
...encourage you to replace furnishings or equipment only to have the new items infested?
...bring in canines to sniff out the bed bugs, yet they keep showing up?
...damage items in your facility during treatments?
...charge extra fees for every bed bug treatment?
...keep treating the same areas of your facility repeatedly for bed bugs, roaches or other pests only to have them return?
...encourage you to replace furnishings or equipment only to have the new items infested?
...bring in canines to sniff out the bed bugs, yet they keep showing up?
...damage items in your facility during treatments?
...charge extra fees for every bed bug treatment?
The Waldron & Company Difference...
...a resident focussed approach that results in happy residents and families.
...a proven track record of success in skilled nursing and adult care settings. We fix what no one else can!
...service pricing that includes all services and support for bed bugs.
...all contacts for service are captured, time and date stamped and associated to work orders for permanent documentation.
...negative pest related DHSR, DSS and Public Health inquiries and traditional/social media posts become a thing of the past.
...a proven track record of success in skilled nursing and adult care settings. We fix what no one else can!
...service pricing that includes all services and support for bed bugs.
...all contacts for service are captured, time and date stamped and associated to work orders for permanent documentation.
...negative pest related DHSR, DSS and Public Health inquiries and traditional/social media posts become a thing of the past.