This enhanced infrared image of the same area shows you cannot always trust your eyes to give you a complete picture. Even standing directly below this wet ceiling drywall the leak above was not apparent.
An ABS plumbing pipe leak. ABS plumbing is VERY prone to leakage, and we take extra care not to disturb it, and monitor it carefully. Leaks like this are certain to attract smoky brown roaches, and possibly termites or other wood destroying pests.
In our experience, the roof is the root of a surprising number of roach, ant and termite issues! During a routine termite inspection an anomaly was detected with our infrared equipment. Secondary testing with a moisture meter confirmed the highlighted are in this image was wet. Further investigation diagnosed the issue as relating to defective roof flashing.
INSPECTIONS - Waldron & Company offers inspections of your structure for conditions conducive to wood destroying insect, pest infestationand NC WDIR 100 reports (for real estate sales). While there is no warranty or treatment performed inspection does give you the piece of mind that having highly qualified eyes on your structure provides!